Thank You California


Dear California Football Community,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing up for your parental rights, truth in medical science, and equal representation in defeating the latest attack on football in California. The National Football Alliance stands with you and the rest of our country to honor, improve, and advance up for our sport. You are AWESOME!

Specifically, we want to recognize the Save Youth Football California Coalition and the California Youth Football Alliance under the leadership of Steve Famiano and Ron White. We want to encourage you to remain ever-vigilant on this topic. We know our opposition well, and they will return to perpetrate more medical fallacies and loss of parental choice. Our brothers and sisters in other states will need your support in the future. You lead the way with your advocacy and safety standards in AB-1, the California Youth Football Act.

The National Football Alliance is committed to being the greatest advocate for football in the United States. We invite you to join us in creating a better football experience for all participants through research, education, activation, and advocacy.

To learn more, please visit us online at

Joe Rafter