CAYFA + Atavus = Better Football for California

Bakersfield, CA - As the game of American Tackle Football continues to evolve at what can be described as a rapid and progressive pace, it’s comforting to know that the industry is being shaped by those who have taken a vested interest in its future.

The California Youth Football Alliance and Atavus, the leading authority on tackle performance, analysis, and coaching technique, have partnered in an effort to bring the California Youth Tackle Football Community a voice of advocacy coupled with a toolbox of robust and innovative tackle football coaching curriculum that will help drive the type of radical transformation that the sport and its participants have longed for.

The pairing of the California Youth Football Alliance and Atavus could not have come at a better time. The sport of youth tackle football is going through what could be considered a transitional period in its long and rich history. The way we approach all aspects of the game today is significantly different than past generations. The “three yards and a cloud of dust” mentality has given way to a new generation of football. Although the game may look and feel a bit different today, its deep rooted and colorful history is the very foundation on which the sport was built on.

The California Youth Football Alliance and Atavus are filling long-standing and often generational voids in these areas by offering consumer-friendly products and services for well over 100,000 youth tackle football families in the state.

Regardless of where you reside in California, many of the same challenges exist within the youth tackle football landscape. What is the right coaching content and certification base for our organization? Does it make the game safer? Is it affordable? Is the curriculum youth tackle football friendly?

Those questions have now been answered by Atavus via its performance driven and safety enhanced tackling system. With a focus on player safety and the ability to track and analyze individual player performance utilizing its groundbreaking Tacklytics platform, Atavus is changing the we both think about tackling and approach the game of tackle football.

From a pure coaching perspective, the ability to make the game safer, implement and teach data driven tackling techniques, paired with the capacity to measure player performance while establishing desired outcomes is simply revolutionary.

The Atavus Shoulder-led tackling concepts and organization specific certification programs are both innovative and player friendly. Moving a player’s head to the side while performing a tackle is a critical component of the system and will serve to help re-culture our approach to contact.m Youth Tackle football coaches are a unique breed and as volunteers they simply coach for the love of the game. Volunteer coaches are the lifeblood of the tackle football community and are deserving of the type of coaching curriculum that only Atavus can provide.

From somebody who has donned a whistle and walked the sidelines for well over three decades now, it’s refreshing to see a comprehensive tackling system that provides content that has the ability to produce higher performing, more confident, and engaged players at an affordable price point.

The California Youth Football Alliance and Atavus are collectively “moving the game forward”.

Joe Rafter